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Whatever it Takes to Be Great

Help us help them Be Great

Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Wish List

Things We Need

These are items that are in constant demand

Our clubs are always in need of various items. Your generosity can take many forms, including staples, glue sticks and kickballs.


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Give the Gift of Your Time

Our clubs’ most valuable assets are the people who care for our children. If you have a passion for kids, please consider volunteering.

Planned Giving

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Giving to the Living

One of the most powerful ways to give is to leave the Clubs your lasting legacy. Give us a call to lean more.

Give the Gift of a Bright Future

Boys & Girls Clubs offer positive alternatives to children who may be surrounded by negative influences, showing them how to live successful and productive lives. Since 1860, Clubs have provided safe havens for young people by offering quality programs and critically important relationships with nurturing and reliable adults.

Boys & Girls Clubs give their members, ages 6 – 18, access to dedicated, trained professionals who can provide guidance in adopting healthy lifestyles and pursuing educational objectives. Most importantly, Boys & Girls Clubs equip young people with the skills they need to resolve conflicts peacefully, improve relationships within every aspect of their day-to-day lives and function as responsible citizens.

Your support is vital to ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to live successful lives in a safe, positive and caring environment. There are many ways to give. Chose the one that works best for you.

Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.

- Booker T. Washington